Hey, I'm Emily!

But you can call me Ems.

Chances are if I’m not standing on a soapbox shaking my fist and shouting about the detriments of cold outreach and bro-marketing, you can find me curled up on the couch with my husband, dog and a nice cup of tea.

I’ve been an Ethical Marketing Strategist (also read: Wizard) since late 2019 - To say I’m obsessed with seamless strategies and clever content would be underselling it.

I love clever & mindful marketing that treats people like actual people, rather than numbers to be stamped forcefully down an obvious and manipulative sales funnel.

Wouldn’t it be freaking sweet to be going about your day and then just like that - 🔔DING!🔔

You get a notification that Becky, your dream client has hopped on your website and applied to work with you.

The best part? You didn’t even have to send a single cold outreach message. No sleazy messages, no forced engagement, no content for content’s sake.

Hey, I'm Emily!

But you can call me Ems.

Chances are if I’m not standing on a soapbox shaking my fist and shouting about the detriments of cold outreach and bro-marketing, you can find me curled up on the couch with my husband, dog and a nice cup of tea.

I’ve been an Ethical Marketing Strategist (also read: Wizard) since late 2019 - To say I’m obsessed with seamless strategies and clever content would be underselling it.

I love clever & mindful marketing that treats people like actual people, rather than numbers to be stamped forcefully down an obvious and manipulative sales funnel.

Wouldn’t it be freaking sweet to be going about your day and then just like that - 🔔DING!🔔

You get a notification that Becky, your dream client has hopped on your website and applied to work with you.

The best part? You didn’t even have to send a single cold outreach message. No sleazy messages, no forced engagement, no content for content’s sake.

It sounds like a pipe-dream I know, but that’s the norm for my clients.

I work with online service providers to build marketing strategies that position them as the experts they truly are - attracting an audience jam-packed with ideal clients, and taking them on a journey through valuable content that solves problems, builds trust and converts ideal clients into clients.

“Ah but Ems, that’s the issue - I really don’t have the time to sit about and create loads of content every day, let alone come up with ideas on what to post in the first place!”

I just read your mind, didn’t I? Spooky right?

You won’t have to. Your marketing strategy will be completely bespoke, tailored to your needs and the needs of your business - My strategic approach to content planning means you could quite literally never have to think up another content idea ever again, and you still wouldn’t run out of quality content to post.

Sounding good so far? Great!

It sounds like a pipe-dream I know, but that’s the norm for my clients.

I work with online service providers to build marketing strategies that position them as the experts they truly are - attracting an audience jam-packed with ideal clients, and taking them on a journey through valuable content that solves problems, builds trust and converts ideal clients into clients.

“Ah but Ems, that’s the issue - I really don’t have the time to sit about and create loads of content every day, let alone come up with ideas on what to post in the first place!”

I just read your mind, didn’t I? Spooky right?

You won’t have to. Your marketing strategy will be completely bespoke, tailored to your needs and the needs of your business - My strategic approach to content planning means you could quite literally never have to think up another content idea ever again, and you still wouldn’t run out of quality content to post.

Sounding good so far? Great!

Don't just take it from me...

"Holy Bananas - Working with Emily, you literally are tapping into the Social Media Whisperer!

As soon as I started applying the techniques and the little tools she has been teaching me - I started seeing immediate results in my impressions, the people following me, and in the quality of the engagement!"

Eyenie Schultz

Technicolor Priestess

"No question was a silly question

Ems' approach made me feel confident to ask her anything and she always responded in a timely fashion (even to my ridiculous questions!)

Ems inspired me to not give up, but to instead PIVOT! on ideas that weren't getting the results I hoped for."

Kristy French


" Ems is just the right mix of thinking and doing.

You'll turn up with a few ideas, she'll add a bag-load more and then teach you how to use them.

I guess she's like a springboard really, giving you the skills and confidence you need to get to the next level."

Amanda Fearn


Don't just take it from me...

"Holy Bananas - Working with Emily, you literally are tapping into the Social Media Whisperer!

As soon as I started applying the techniques and the little tools she has been teaching me - I started seeing immediate results in my impressions, the people following me, and in the quality of the engagement!"

Eyenie Schultz

Technicolor Priestess

"No question was a silly question

Ems' approach made me feel confident to ask her anything and she always responded in a timely fashion (even to my ridiculous questions!)

Ems inspired me to not give up, but to instead PIVOT! on ideas that weren't getting the results I hoped for."

Kristy French


" Ems is just the right mix of thinking and doing.

You'll turn up with a few ideas, she'll add a bag-load more and then teach you how to use them.

I guess she's like a springboard really, giving you the skills and confidence you need to get to the next level."

Amanda Fearn


Where's my soapbox?

How to actually feel good about selling online!

If you're reading this, I assume you're familiar with the 🍆 pic of the social-media marketing world. What do I mean? Let me show you. Clears throat...

Read more here....

An Honest Guide to Marketing your Online Business..

Looking to market yourself in line with your business values but don’t know where to start? What is Ethical Marketing Strategy, and what are some examples of less than ethical marketing for online business?...

Read more here....

Landing pages - where informed decisions go to die..

A landing page is a standalone webpage that visitors ‘land’ on from social media or search engines. Their entire purpose is to convert a visitor into a paying customer, usually for a high-ticket item like a course or programme, and often by any means necessary....

Read more here....

Where's my soapbox?

How to actually feel good about selling online!

If you're reading this, I assume you're familiar with the 🍆 pic of the social-media marketing world. What do I mean? Let me show you. Clears throat...

Read more here....

An Honest Guide to Marketing your Online Business..

Looking to market yourself in line with your business values but don’t know where to start? What is Ethical Marketing Strategy, and what are some examples of less than ethical marketing for online business?...

Read more here....

Landing pages - where informed decisions go to die..

A landing page is a standalone webpage that visitors ‘land’ on from social media or search engines. Their entire purpose is to convert a visitor into a paying customer, usually for a high-ticket item like a course or programme, and often by any means necessary....

Read more here....

Let's get social!

Head to @emsraesearle and follow me for more!

Let's get social!

Head to @emsraesearle and follow me for more!